Board of Directors

Our all-volunteer organization is led by a Board of Directors. Currently the board is made up of seven members, all area neighbors dedicated to ensuring The Fountain at The Circle and Fountain Walk are maintained and improved.

Mike Gray

Mike Gray


It is a pleasure to be involved with a grassroots group that has a clear focus and mission and plays a crucial role in keeping this reborn cultural treasure and its surroundings maintained for the enjoyment of residents and visitors alike.

Mike is a Berkeley native and local history and architecture buff, now working as a journalist, who grew up not far from The Circle and Fountain Walk. He moved away the year the fountain was reconstructed. When he returned to Berkeley in 2011, he moved into the Northbrae neighborhood and began looking for ways to get involved in the community. He joined a volunteer work party at The Circle one Saturday, and soon after joined the FOFW board, where he currently serves as president.

Charles Wilson

Charles Wilson


In the words of Abraham Lincoln: “I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him."

Charles is a Landscape Architect who has lived in the neighborhood of the fountain for over 25 years, participated in the design of the reconstruction of the fountain and produced the construction documents that were used for the rebuilding. He hopes all local residents take pride in their community and in its iconic symbol.

Suzanne Baird

Suzanne Baird


The fountain continues to delight and inspire me with its interplay of light, water, and grizzly bear cub whimsy. It fills me with pleasure each time I see it. The fountain is an integral part of my life in Berkeley.

Suzanne has lived in Berkeley on Spruce Street since 1981, passing the Fountain almost daily. She is a retired educator and financial analyst. She first became involved as a small donor to the restoration of the Fountain and The Circle. She is honored to serve on the Board to support the ongoing work of preserving and enhancing Berkeley’s artistic and architectural heritage.

Christine McIntyre

Christine McIntyre


I am so glad to have joined Friends of the Fountain and Walk several years ago after buying a house within walking distance of The Circle. I always smile going around the fountain -- on sunny, foggy, cloudy, and even rainy days. I am proud to belong to an organization that cares deeply about maintaining our landmark and its environs, making them a better place for all.

Christine and her husband, Dennis, relocated to Berkeley from Washington, D.C. in 2015. Their two sons each attended Cal back in the 1990s, providing the foundation for their professional success today. A former co-publisher and editor, Christine is grateful to the city of Berkeley at large, and especially happy to be part of this local community.

Dennis McIntyre

Dennis McIntyre


I'm happy to be part of Friends of the Fountain and Walk. It's given me the opportunity to meet many people, and establish connections and friendships during the past several years. As a gardening enthusiast, I look forward to our monthly clean-ups and being outdoors. And then, there's that fountain ... such an elegant display for our neighborhood and our city. For me, it's a daily reminder of how lucky we all are to live here.

Dennis is a native New Yorker, but lived in Washington, DC for 34 years before moving to Berkeley in 2015 with his wife, Christine. He is a physician, and a loyal Washington Capitals hockey fan.

Patricia McKee

Patricia McKee


The fountain wasn’t here when I last lived in Berkeley; it brings me joy whenever I see it and the fact that it is supported and maintained by a group of neighbors and friends makes it all the better.

Pat is a returning Berkeleyan, having lived in the Cragmont neighborhood of North Berkeley in the 80’s and returned in 2014 after a 20+ year absence. Pat joined a work party in 2015 and has recently joined the Board as Secretary.

Leo Rainer

Leo Rainer


I love that the fountain is a dynamic centerpiece of The Circle that reminds us of the flowing water that is such a part of the Berkeley Hills.

Leo is a mechanical engineer at Berkeley Lab where he does research on building energy efficiency. Leo grew up in Berkeley just a couple of blocks from The Circle, but for all those years there was never a fountain, only bushes and weeds. When he returned to Berkeley in 2016 he saw a flyer about the Friends of the Fountain and Walk, and was soon helping with fountain maintenance.

Jim Reynolds

Jim Reynolds


When we moved to Los Angeles Avenue in 1990 The Circle was overgrown with weeds. It was an eyesore. Now it is beautiful and is a handsome landmark for the North Berkeley neighborhood. The Fountain and Walk reconstruction represents community action at its best, and the fact that it was done solely through neighborhood initiative is a model for other civic improvements. Power to the People!

Jim Reynolds has the enviable title of roastmaster emeritus at Peet's Coffee, which was founded in North Berkeley in 1966 by Alfred Peet.

Steve Weindel

Steve Weindel


Berkeley has perhaps the richest architectural heritage of any city in the Bay Area. When we moved to Berkeley from the City 20 years ago, I remember driving around The Circle in the moving truck and feeling a sense of pride that I now lived in a city with treasures such as the Fountain.

Steve is a Principal at the International design firm Gensler. He and his wife Cathy have lived in North Berkeley for 20 years. Steve is honored to join the Board and to play a role in the stewardship and safe-keeping of one of our City’s treasures.