November 25, 2023 | Happy Holidays to All Our Friends!

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Friends and neighbors:

Happy holidays! And a sincere thank you for all your support of our now 30-year-old neighborhood nonprofit.

Yes, 2023 marked Friends of the Fountain and Walk’s third full decade as an all-volunteer, grassroots organization, a milestone only possible thanks to a community that cares about preserving its neighborhood treasures.

In this 30th anniversary year, in partnership with the City of Berkeley, we accomplished a lot:

  • New cast-stone benches were placed at the bus stop on Marin Avenue and on the Los Angeles-Mendocino median off The Circle.
  • Repairs were made to the protective bollards on the fountain island and to the long-tilted lone balustrade pillar at the foot of Marin.
  • Energy-saving LED lights were installed in the main pool of the fountain.
  • A new city landmark plaque was laid at the base of Fountain Walk.

Looking ahead to 2024, we hope to take on some new projects, possibly re-landscaping the fountain island.

As always, as the holidays arrive, FOFW volunteers will be out to decorate the fountain and its bear cubs in their festive finery — our annual gift to the community. (The image of the cubs above is by Ira Serkes at

Much of what FOFW does is thanks to your continuing support. Tax-deductible donations can be made securely online here, or by sending a check to P.O. Box 7343, Berkeley CA 94707.

And if you or someone you know would like to help as a volunteer, you can find out how on our website, or drop us a line at

We wish you a safe, warm and very happy holiday season.

— FOFW Board of Directors: Karen Borst-Rothe, Michael Gray, Christine McIntyre, Dennis McIntyre, Patricia McKee, Leo Rainer, Jim Reynolds, Steve Weindel, Charles Wilson

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